though Cameron wasn't too sure what to think of it at first.
But Brycen was very into every drop of water!!!
And he helped Cameron explore and enjoy the water!!!
So soon Cameron was having just as much fun too!
I just LOVE this picture...
And while all the above fun was happening, Zack was taking swimming lessons in the Mitchell Pool. He did great and after 2 weeks he passed level 2!
Swinging on Grandma and Papa Ireland's tree swing.
For a number of summers we've had an ongoing 'playground' project. When Brycen was 1 it got started and we bought him a baby swing for his birthday....thank goodness we had more children...he's WAY to big for it now!!!
Zack loves to swing and loves that he can do it at home all the time now. Incidentally for those who didn't know, our playground is right in front Cole's garden and it's nice to have our boys together outdoors.
And didn't I say it was good that we'd had more children to enjoy this great swing!!! Cameron loves it!
We took another camping trip with our friends the Angst's and the Nelson's. We went to Lake Huron Resort near Goderich and I have to say...there's nothing like a Lake Huron sunset....
Cameron wasn't so sure of the sand and the water at first so he hung out with Daddy while....
Zack and Brycen ran up and down the beach discovering shells and rocks and having a great time!
Play hard....sleep harder!!!
The next day we spent some more time on the beach. Brycen was a riot to watch playing in the waves. He'd sit in the water and then when it touched him he would shriek, jump up and run screaming up to shore!
Cameron was much more subdued and enjoyed time playing in the sand. He especially loves to stir the sand in his pail...fascinates him for a good 2 minutes!!!!
Cameron enjoyed his first ever feed of 'cob on the corn' as Brycen calls it. He LOVED it, so much that when he was finished his first cob he threw it at us and started signing more please!
Incidentally, Cameron has a few signs... more, please, cookie, drink, shoes, out, up etc. He isn't really talking too much yet...he was Da, Ma, Za (Zack), DoDa (Koda the dog), uh oh (his first word and still his most prevalent!!!), uh huh (for yes) and Ba (for bye). He's running now...forget the walking. He's also climbing, everything he can find! He is very sneaky and silly and loves to play games, laugh, read stories and really is joy to be around. He still weighs 22lbs...he hasn't gained anything in about 6 months but since he has gotten so active that isn't surprising. And he's big surprise there either!