Friday, December 24, 2010

Pathetically behind...I know

So here are a ton of photos from the last 6 weeks or so...I hope to update with these now and then will add holiday ones in a few days. Sorry to those you near and far (Jenn this one's directed at you...) who've waited so long.

Let's start with Halloween (you know since it's Christmas and all!!!).
We grew our own pumpkin this year....note I said pumpkin singular...only one grew and it was HUGE!!!! So big that Geoff decided to get power tools out to carve it!!!
Cameron LOVED the pumpkins and kept peeking in them all...looking for spooks and ghosts I suspect!!!

I love this shot!!!
A cowboy and his horse!!!
Who are these three crazy kids???
Always the clown!!!
Geoff and I celebrated our 10th anniversary in November and decided to enjoy a night away in Niagara Falls. This was the view from our room.

And this a shot we took the next day...I love the rainbow!

Auntie Charlotte (my very bestest friend ever and also Cameron's godmother) came for a visit in November...all the way from Phoenix, Arizona. It was so awesome to see her and her adorable daughters and sweet husband, Kerry, again!

My boys LOVE to wrestle and attack daddy.

In early December, just hours before the largest storm to hit the London area in a very long time arrived, the boys and I traveled to London for a Christmas party and took Cameron for his very first haircut. He sat very well and looked so handsome when it was all done...and of course refused to sit for a photo afterwards!

Decorating the tree.

Cameron LOVES the tree, the lights, the presents, the candy...everything about Christmas!

In general our boys are doing well. Cameron is having issues with his ears again and will have surgery to have tubes put in again in February. He is also having breathing troubles... lots of coughing and struggling to catch his breath. He's on 2 different inhalers for this and seems to be doing much better now. He's talking up a storm...despite having ears full of fluid. He cracks us up with the new words he tries each day.
Zack is glad to be off school for a few weeks for the holidays. He is doing very well there and loves to read. It's often hard to get him to go to bed at night as he enjoys reading so much.
Brycen is loving hockey and skating as well as school. He is tired (VERY TIRED) most days but still loves going to school and to Cheryl's.
I will add more pictures... Christmas concerts, family Christmas etc. in the next week or so.

Until then, Happy Holidays from our family to yours!!!

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